
How To Reset Nokia Lumia To Factory Settings

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[TUTORIAL]How to rescue your Lumia from emergency way

  • Thread starter bylux07
  • Kickoff date
  • #1
Hi guys ,
I was trying to go rid of from emergency mode and finally I establish a solution and want to share with yous.Sorry for bad english.
Kickoff of all you should know that you are doing this with your ain risk and you will lose your all data .
-Windows Device Recovery Tool (Download)
-Your device'southward rom (yous can get it from here)
-Your device's emergency files (files end with .hex and .mbn. You should meet them under the rom details.)
When y'all go gear up , connect your phone to reckoner via usb. Then open up your Command line in administrator and type :
If you are using 32 bit operating system :
                                cd "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool"                              
If you are using 64 bit operating system :
                                cd "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool"                              
At present we volition use thor2 for get rid of from emergency mode but nosotros cant do it immediately.We should install bootloader again.Re-create your rom and emergency files to desktop.
Of import
Then type in control line and edit lawmaking:
                                                                  thor2 -mode emergency -hexfile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -mbnfile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_MBN_FILE.mbn -ffufile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_ROM_FILE.ffu -skipffuflash                              
Press your phone's soft-reset(volume down-power) buttons and Windows will requite notification sound virtually your device disconnect and reconnect.Information technology will take nearly x seconds at to the lowest degree.Timing is of import.Yous should restart your device and hit enter at the aforementioned fourth dimension. Otherwise you will get:

THOR2 1.8.2.xviii exited with error code 85030 (0x14C26)"

You should see "Exited with success".
Then your telephone lead to flashing mode only information technology wont flash any file. For flash your rom type:

                                thor2 -way uefiflash -ffufile "%HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_ROM_FILE.ffu" -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset -reboot                              
And you are done.Just wait for flash ends. Then your device volition restart in factory settings and you will able to use your device.Hope it helps!
DilanCHD'southward Tutorial
  • #2
Wink wrong sbl3 file

This procedure didn't work later on flashing wrong sbl3 file. Please help me to fix my dead lumia 525...

  • #3
This process didn't work afterwards flashing wrong sbl3 file. Please assistance me to set my dead lumia 525...
Hassan, is your device nevertheless in emergency mode ?
  • #iv
Flash incorrect sbl3 file
Hassan, is your device notwithstanding in emergency mode ?

No, it is completely dead, no vibration, no starting up, nothing, Can yous help?

  • #v
No, it is completely dead, no vibration, no starting up, nada, Can you help?
Hm okey effort take off battery , wait couple a minutes and then plug charger and look for merely a scrap. Then connect your device and confirm it's status from thor2.
  • #6
Sir I tried above process properly on my Nokia Lumia 525, merely my device does not prove RED Screen and is still in QHSUSB_DLOAD- Emergency way, no vibration, no light. After entering
thor2 -mode emergency -hexfile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -mbnfile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_MBN_FILE.mbn -ffufile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_ROM_FILE.ffu -skipffuflash
I got exited with success, just no Carmine Screen, tried several times.
Please Help me to get Lumia 525 dorsum to Life !
  • #vii
Information technology doesn't work with me...
I take a Lumia 1020 RM-875, the correct .hex .mbn .ffu files and WPRT. I tried to use the lawmaking later on thor2 launcher but after the emergency download i get always this message:
Message send failed with fault lawmaking eight
Failed to get response to OPEN_MULTI_REQ
THOR2 1.8.ii.eighteen exited with fault code 85021 (0x14C1D)

How can i set? (deplorable for eventual bad english and i'm not a very high skilled programmer)

  • #eight
Information technology doesn't work with me...
I have a Lumia 1020 RM-875, the correct .hex .mbn .ffu files and WPRT. I tried to use the code afterwards thor2 launcher but after the emergency download i get always this message:
Bulletin send failed with mistake code 8
Failed to get response to OPEN_MULTI_REQ
THOR2 one.eight.two.18 exited with error code 85021 (0x14C1D)

How can i fix? (sorry for eventual bad english and i'm not a very high skilled developer)

if y'all download mbn file from lumiafirmware, don use it...
create mbn file with (for example, downloaded FFU file is in C:\rm-875\ folder, and 30.ffu is just instance, you must write exact proper name of ffu file):
                                  thor2 -mode ffureader -ffufile C:\rm-875\XXX.ffu -dump_gpt -filedir C:\dump                                
this control will create gpt0.bin and rename it equally msimage.mbn

before first procedure, be sure your battery is charged. charge battery with phone charger some time to be sure.

now use (example when file.hex is in c:\HEX\ folder)

                                  thor2 -fashion emergency -hexfile C:\HEX\HEX.hex -mbnfile C:\dump\msimage.mbn -orig_gpt                                

when done, disconnect (remove) battery.
connect battery once again

now use (file vpl is simply instance, you must writ exact name of VPL file or rename it to file.vpl)

                                  thor2.exe -mode vpl -maxtransfersizekb one -vplfile C:\rm-875\file.vpl                                

when done utilise
                                  thor2 -fashion rnd -bootnormalmode                                
  • #x
omg thanks it'southward work for my Lumia 920 and yes my device is completely dead, no vibration, no starting up, cipher, earlier
  • #11

Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.125]
(c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\Serkan>cd "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool"

C:\Programme Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool> thor2 -fashion emergency -hexfile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -mbnfile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_MBN_FILE.mbn -ffufile %HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_ROM_FILE.ffu -skipffuflash
THOR2 ane.8.2.eighteen
Built for Windows @ 13:36:46 Jun 16 2022
Thor2 is running on Windows of version 6.ii
thor2 -way emergency -hexfile \Users\Serkan\Desktop\YOUR_HEX_FILE.hex -mbnfile \Users\Serkan\Desktop\YOUR_MBN_FILE.mbn -ffufile \Users\Serkan\Desktop\YOUR_ROM_FILE.ffu -skipffuflash
Process started Thu Feb 08 fifteen:34:38 2022
Logging to file C:\Users\Serkan\AppData\Local\Temp\thor2_win_20180208153438_ThreadId-9024.log
Debugging enabled for emergency

Initiating emergency download
Using default emergency protocol
Emergency Programmer V1 version 2022.10.31.001
Hex download selected
Check if device in Dload
Connexion to DLOAD mode succeeded
Get Dload parameters
Sending HEX flasher to the device
Sending Go command if HEX flasher successfully uploaded.
Bulletin send failed with error code -ane
Emergency messaging airtight successfully
Operation took about 7.00 seconds.


THOR2 1.eight.2.18 exited with fault code 85021 (0x14C1D)

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Care Suite\Windows Device Recovery Tool>thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile "%HomePath%\Desktop\YOUR_ROM_FILE.ffu" -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset -reboot
THOR2 one.8.2.18
Congenital for Windows @ 13:36:46 Jun 16 2022
Thor2 is running on Windows of version vi.2
thor2 -mode uefiflash -ffufile \Users\Serkan\Desktop\YOUR_ROM_FILE.ffu -do_full_nvi_update -do_factory_reset -reboot
Process started Thu Feb 08 15:35:21 2022
Logging to file C:\Users\Serkan\AppData\Local\Temp\thor2_win_20180208153521_ThreadId-5920.log
Debugging enabled for uefiflash

Initiating FFU flash performance
WinUSB in use.
isDeviceInNcsdMode is false
Device style 7 Emergency way
[THOR2_flash_state] Pre-programming operations
Disable timeouts

my phone is full blackscreen no starting up

Dec 25, 2022
  • #12

Cheers its worked

  • #13
My lumia 640 xl is stuck on emergency Mode 7 can anyone assistance me to set up this

Thank you

  • #xiv
Thanks its worked...

Please assistance me to.
I have similar problem on lumia 520.
Thor2 -mode Emergency -hexfile hex.hex -mbnfile im.mbn -ffufile C:\ProgramData\Nokia\Packages\Products\rm-914\RM914_1030.6408.1309.0001_RETAIL_eu_russia_229_01_159218_prd_signed.ffu -skipffuflash
Initiating emergency download
Using default emergency protocol
Emergency Programmer V1 version 2022.ten.31.001
Hex download selected
Cheque if device in Dload
Connection to DLOAD mode succeeded
Get Dload parameters
Sending HEX flasher to the device
Sending HEX flasher to the device failed. Try to re-send.
Re-sending HEX flasher to the device
Message send failed with error lawmaking 8
Cannot upload HEX flasher into the device
Sending GO control if HEX flasher successfully uploaded.
Emergency messaging closed successfully
Performance took about viii.00 seconds.


THOR2 i.eight.2.eighteen exited with error lawmaking 85021 (0x14C1D)
what helped you lot?
my phone is full blackscreen and has vibro power on

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How To Reset Nokia Lumia To Factory Settings,


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